Trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affect individuals differently, so it’s important to provide customized and individualized treatment. Our therapists have specialized training in order to provide the most effective treatment possible.
What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric condition that occurs when an individual experiences or witnesses a traumatic event (i.e. a physical or sexual assault, a natural disaster, combat, etc.). It was first recognized by the American Psychiatric Association as a diagnosable condition in 1980.
In order for Highland Springs to diagnose and treat a client for PTSD, individuals must showcase three clusters of symptoms, including avoidance and numbing (feelings of detachment, inability to remember key aspects of the event, decreased interest in activities once enjoyed, particularly those that trigger reminders of trauma); re-experiencing (nightmares, intrusive images, acting and feeling as though the traumatic event is happening again); and hyperarousal (anger, irritability, sleep issues, hypervigilance).
Trauma Therapy Treatment
Highland Springs PTSD trauma treatment centers integrate cognitive behavioral therapy and desensitization into the treatment program to help clients recover from traumatic experiences. The goal of these treatment methods is to change how a person thinks about the trauma and its aftermath.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy is a critical component in our recovery program because it identifies the root of the trauma. Highland Springs trauma treatment centers focus on learning to identify the frightening thoughts about the world that cause fear and agitation from the past to the surface. When these triggers are identified, therapists work with the client together to replace the agitated and fearful thoughts with more accurate thoughts, allowing the trauma to recede into the past and become a memory.
Desensitization Therapy
Desensitization occurs when a person verbalizes the story of the traumatic event in a safe therapeutic environment, allowing the emotions connected to the event to be felt and released. This allows the brain to heal a little at a time, decreasing flashbacks and other symptoms related to the trauma. A key component to our trauma therapy program is getting survivors to accept what has happened to them, leave it in the past, and learn to live a more healthy and satisfying lifestyle moving forward.
Ready to Get Started?
If you or your loved one are suffering from symptoms of PTSD, we’re here for you. At Highland Springs, our ultimate goal is to improve the lives of the individuals we work with, as well as their families. We understand that PTSD is a complex condition that requires a holistic, individualized approach.
Highland Springs offers a variety of outpatient trauma therapy options, customized to meet your unique needs. If you’re ready to take the next step, reach out now by calling (800) 403-0295 or contact us via text or our online form.