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Our Locations

751 E 700 S, Ste 102
American Fork, UT 84003

P: 801-284-4950
F: 385-388-8012

Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm

4750 N Five Mile Rd
Boise, Idaho 83713

P: 208-996-0931
T: 385-474-8889
F: 208-996-0932

Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm

4460 S Highland Dr, Ste 100
Salt Lake City, Utah 84124

P: 801-273-6335
F: 801-869-4865

Mon-Fri, 8am-6pm

12427 S Pasture Rd, Ste 101
Riverton, Utah 84096

P: 801-727-8744
F: 801-727-8743

Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm

Extended hours are available by appointment. Hours may vary based on location.